Most Valuable Lessons Learned In The Past Year

Which are the most valuable lessons we can learn from this past year? Here are some insights I gained during the past year:

We start fully living our purpose when we transcend our small persona with its neurotic needs.

As long as we go for the bigger title, the bigger house, the bigger car, the more outside approval, we do not evolve as humans. This will only give a short term gratification, and that need for more will show up again, holding us in its eternal grip.

It is when we start making our life serving a larger purpose for the good of humanity, that a true fulfilment will start to enter our lives. Worthiness, dignity and grace will become part of you in a natural way.

When we fully understand that serving another human being (which does not mean pleasing another human being - there is a huge difference), that living from that place of selfless service is the most beautiful gift we can give ourselves and humanity; we would let go of every inch of entitlement, arrogance, greed, judgment that we might possess.

Our wins are only valuable in the measure that they benefit more than us alone. This is an invitation to make your dreams and goals not only about you, but about contributing to the evolution towards a more kind, compassionate, balanced and mature humanity.

We have the power to be a catalyst of change in every human encounter.

Becoming an ambassador for a more kind and compassionate leadership, starts in EVERY conversation, at home, at the office, at the grocery store, ... and makes of all of us these catalysts of change.

The more we model this new way of being for others, being examples of mature and kind leadership, the more others will witness the huge power which stems from kind and compassionate behavior. And instead of witnessing mostly negative examples of leaders, one day these negative examples will be outnumbered by more evolved leaders.

Not taking anything personally is one of the most liberating experiences.

Although I have been familiar with 'The Four Agreements' from Don Miguel Ruiz where he advises us to not take anything personally, in the past year, I have been practising steadily and consistently to not take anything personally.

It has added an enormous peace of mind and sense of non-judgement to my life, knowing that every single person operates from his set of beliefs and from his level of awareness.

Peace, Patience, Compassion, Kindness have guided me through 2022 and will hopefully be my companions for 2023 too. And this is what I wish for you too: taking every single experience as an opportunity to cultivate becoming a more mature, a kinder and more balanced human being.

Much love, Barbara


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Understanding of Self will Lead to a More Fulfilled Life and a Better World 🌍