A Return to Humanness

In all that we strive for, whether it is success in our professional or personal life, let's first make sure that each encounter is about approaching the other as a fellow human being first.

Let's never forget our humanness and let us never sacrifice that for so called success. We are never a success when we lose our human values along the way. A true leader is always an amazing and caring human being first.

In a world where many are asked to go beyond their integrity, dignity and health for the sake of money, power, ambition, ... sometimes blatantly and sometimes in subtle ways, in a world where AI is taking over at a high speed, it is a sign of wisdom, courage and strength to return to our humanness, to show kindness and compassion to others.

Whatever it is that you are striving for, let it be a genuine striving to be a better human being, let it be a genuine striving to be a servant leader, let it be a genuine striving to leave the world a better place than you found it.

The meaning of life is to live it fully, to live without regrets in alignment with your unique purpose but to live it in a way that your life is a gift, that your unique fragrance beautifies the world.

So today, whatever it might be that is on your to do list, whatever meetings, calls, tasks you have, enter the room with a positive, caring and kind energy. Your future self will thank you for it.

It is within your power to lighten up every room you enter, it is within your power to bring the human spirit in every room and be a role model for others. It creates a ripple effect which can never be underestimated.

Wishing you a day in which you do not forget about your human essence!

Much love, Barbara


Being too nice is harmful and can perpetuate a toxic workplace culture.


Create Positive Results Consciously in the New Year