According to the Roman philosopher Cicero, gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but also the parent of all other virtues.

Walking the Path of Powerful Kindness includes walking with an attitude of reverence and gratitude for life.

Gratitude can be expressed in various forms. It does not cost much to show gratitude. This includes appreciating little things, devoting your time, smiling as much as you can, offering sincere compliments, and so on. Statements like “I couldn’t have made it without you” or “thank you for everything you have done for me” alone are enough for a person to feel appreciated.

Positive psychology holds that feeling thankful increases happiness and fulfilment.


  1. Gratitude is a powerful tool for overcoming overwhelming emotions: Showing gratitude usually lowers stress, worry, and negative thoughts. It is impossible to be grateful and negative at the same time. Through gratitude, many people with emotional issues have learned that if they do good, they focus on the positive, and as a result, they strive to deal with their emotions in a constructive manner.

  2. Expressing gratitude fosters healthy relationships: Is there anything more refreshing than living a peaceful and tranquil life with those in your vicinity? [Rhetoric]. Most people tend to have peaceful coexistence in communities where people show gratitude to each other. It is never too late for us to express our thanks to others in order to rebuild our connections with them.

  3. A sense of gratitude inspires people to give back to society: According to psychology, people are driven to take action when the outcome is fulfilling. In this situation, people are more likely to contribute to society when they believe that their great efforts to benefit humanity are valued. Just picture the sheer happiness you would have upon receiving a gratitude letter from those you have helped.

  4. Showing gratitude enhances wellbeing: Over the years, some people have been living lives brimming with guilt and resentment. It appears that these individuals are experiencing similar hardships and require helping hands, but the reason for this could be that they failed to express gratitude to those who supported them during their darkest hours. Nevertheless, in order to live an easier life, it's critical to purge your conscience by expressing thanks to those individuals in order to win back the confidence they have in you, win back their trust, and lead a more fulfilling life.

  5. Showing gratitude brings us honour and recommendations: Many people have had their requests for better possibilities fulfilled simply by expressing gratitude for even the smallest kindness done to them. As I often say, being a grateful person is just like showing respect to people. I assure you that these values offer significant opportunities for people.

I invite you today to only focus on your blessings instead of what might be lacking, to express gratitude to those around you and embody that attitude of gratitude as a gift to yourself.

Much love, Barbara

PS If you are looking for a unique and meaningful gift for the holidays, you might consider my recent book, which was an immediate #1 new release on Amazon in Modern Philosophy, The Path of Powerful Kindness, available here:


Embodying Leadership


My Life Philosophy on How to Lead with Kindness